ISIS Deployable Antenna System for 6U/12U CubeSats

ISIS Deployable Antenna System for 6U/12U CubeSats

Price on request

• Suitable for CubeSats from 6U and up
• Various RF antenna configurations for UHF/VHF communications
• Circular or linear polarization
• Automated sequential deployment
• Individual antenna element deployment
• Dual redundant deployment system
• Software safe/arm implementation
• Safety watchdog
• Extensive telemetry availability: deployment feedback, antenna temperature, etc.
• Multiple mounting positions

STEP file

Sold By : ISISPACE Category: Brand:


The Antenna System for 6/12U CubeSats design is based on the hugely successful ISISPACE deployable antenna system for 1U up to 3U CubeSats. This system has been redesigned from a more modular approach, to fit into 6/12U structures while, at the same time, providing the same capabilities. The antenna system allows the same options in antenna configuration such as 4x monopole, 2x dipole, 1x turnstile. Other configurations such as hybrids between dipole and monopole are also available that can cover from the VHF to UHF frequency ranges and they are deployed under user command.