Tensor Tech ADCS – 40m – Integrated Attitudde Determination and Control System

Flight Heritage since 2022

Tensor Tech ADCS – 40m – Integrated Attitudde Determination and Control System

Price on request

ADCS-40m is an integrated ADCS with four variable-speed, single-gimbal Control Moment Gyroscopes (CMG) which is suitable for 12U and 16U CubeSats. It delivers the same performances compared to ADCSs designed for similar sizes of satellites but offers lighter weight, smaller volume, and less power consumption. Moreover, the user’s onboard computer (OBC) only has to input attitude quaternion as the reference command or set the system to autonomous mode.

Attitude determination and control algorithms embedded in the ADCS computer take care of all the commanding tasks to the ADCS components. This enables the user’s OBC to focus on the mission operation instead of calculating the complex system dynamics of the spacecraft. Also, autonomous modes can allow the satellite to track terrestrial objects or the sun simply by setting the states of the ADCS.

Vendor: Tensor Tech
Sold By : Tensor Tech Category: Brand:



  • Offering improved torque at lower power consumption versus reaction wheels
  • Cost-effective solution with high performance
  • Local vertical local horizontal, Sun pointing mode, Target tracking mode, etc.
  • Comprehensive software support and free technical support

Tensor Tech

Product Properties

Lead Time
6 to 12 months
Included Hardware
  • 4 × CMG-10m Control Moment Gyroscope
  • 6 × FSS-15 Fine Sun Sensor
  • MEMS gyroscope
  • Triaxial magnetorquer and magnetometer
  • Micro-Controller serve as ADCS computer
Optional accessories
GNSS receiver & antenna
Pointing Knowledge
< +/- 0.1 deg @ sun can be captured;

< +/- 1 deg @ sun cannot be captured

Pointing Accuracy
< +/- 0.2 deg @ sun can be captured;

< +/- 1 deg @ sun cannot be captured

Power consumption @ 5V bus < 4 W
Power consumption @ 3.3V bus < 1 W
4 x Tuna-cans & 0.8U (< 1200 g)
Angular Momentum Storage
< 30 mNms for 2-axis;

< 20 mNms for 1-axis (adjustable)

< 3 mNm for 2-axis;

< 2 mNm for 1-axis (adjustable)

I²C, UART and RS485/422 *(optional)

*The user can only select one of the two.

